Thursday, September 29, 2011


MATT KEMP...okay I knew he was cute, but dang I didn't know he is THAT FIONE!!! At work I was going through a whole bunch of fashion sites and came upon the urban one where it had an article about LA Dodger Matt Kemp being featured. Just seeing one picture from the ad, made me click it and boy did I want to find out more about him. This year he is most likely going to be awarded MVP of the Year because he's playing so well. Let's go find out more about this Oklahoma native :)

On being a professional baseball player...

“I’ve been playing baseball since I was four years old. Now, we’re grown men playing a little kid’s sport, so why not have fun doing it, and get paid some good money to do it, too? I’m living the dream, man. Not everybody gets to go to work everyday and love what they do."

Being from Oklahoma and living that L.A. lifestyle, things change here and there such as your fashion sense and tastes in certain things...

“Yeah, it’s a little different living out here. There are good restaurants. Sushi—I never would have thought I’d be eating sushi. Like when I first moved out here, I was like, ‘I’m not eating that shit. Sushi? That’s raw fish. I’m not putting that shit in my mouth. It’s not going to happen.’ But one day, I would be around people that would say I’ve got to try new things. So I give everything a chance, you know? And fortunately I tried sushi one day and it actually became one of my favorite foods. So, I definitely can get a little bougie. We all change. I’m from Oklahoma. Back home is a little behind because it’s a slower city. It’s not a big city. But it’s definitely growing now that we have an NBA team3. We just got a Saks Fifth. I’m happy about that. Saks Fifth Avenue. I’m going to be going there. Oklahoma ain’t never had one of those.”

On his one weakness: SHOPPING...

“Yeah, that’s (Barney's) one of my favorites. Shoes and clothes, man. I like to look nice when I go places. I think we all do for the most part. You want to walk around feeling good about yourself. In the past year-and-a-half, two years, I got into being around fashionable people. I started to enjoy the things that other people I was around enjoyed like clothes and shoes. It’s fun. I think it’s fun to go into a store and try to figure out what to put with some shoes or your outfit or whatever, and rock it. I’m like a chameleon, man. I can switch it up. I can one day be wearing some Jordans or nice retro sportswear with some jeans, a shirt, and a hat, and make that look nice. And then I can wear a collared shirt with some RRL jeans.” Some of his favorite brands include Lanvin and YSL.

On his shopping budgets...

“Sometimes, there’s times. You’ve got to set a little budget for every month or two for yourself. If you go over that budget, it means that you have do less next month. It’s all about saving money. But looking good at the same time.”

After dating world superstar Rihanna for about a year seven months after the abusive end to her relationship with Chris Brown, he opens up a little about love in general...

“I’ve been in love twice, Only twice. That’s enough at 26.” That's 4 years older than me (the magic number)! I guess we are meant to be haha.

In what he looks for in a girl...

“I like confident people. I like positive people. Somebody that can make me a better person. Somebody that makes me want to be a better person. Smart. Pretty, of course. Somebody that is close with their family and loves their family just as much as I love my family. Somebody that knows how to dress. It just boils down to being confident and being comfortable in your own skin and the person that you are.”

In what he prefers his girl's style...

“Definitely somebody that can help me [shop]. I love looking and seeing what kind of shoes women wear. I think that tells me if a person knows what they’re doing. If I like your shoes, and you’re pretty, that’s a good quality. As well as being confident.”

MATT KEMP IS DEFINITELY MVP IN MY BOOK! Not only is he a good baseball player, but you can tell his appreciation for life extends far whether it be adaptation to different lifestyles and doing what he loves. It doesn't hurt that he also loves fashion and takes notice in how a girl expresses herself through fashion. It seems like all those qualities he likes in a female point directly to me haha. HOLLER MATT KEMP!!!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me