Friday, September 16, 2011


News has recently broke out about how Jay-Z has a 9-yr old love child with Trinidadian model Shenelle Scott. Rumors first circulated around 2007, but Jay-Z's reps denied the accusation. Now these "rumors" have resurfaced.

Jerald Andrews comes out again to say that his alleged grandson is not his anymore, because DNA tests have shown that his son isn't the father, but Jay-Z is. "At the time (the baby) was born, my son Malik thought he was his child, but they did DNA tests. It's been determined that (the child is) Jay-Z's baby."

Andrews also was quoted saying that Jay-Z gave Shenelle $1 million "to keep her mouth shut" where she then bought a house in Trinidad.

But now it seems that Andrews is taking back all his allegations just two days after this resurfaced accusation. Now that Scott is married to a professional basketball player, he says her new husband bought the house. "The house wasn't purchased by Jay-Z. It was paid for by her present husband."

If this story was true, I would not at all be surprised by it. I mean of course all these music/movie moguls in entertainment have some "secret" out there, and by secret I mean illegitimate children where they're paying the baby mama hush money to keep her mouth shut. As long as it was way before Beyonce coming into the picture, it shouldn't be such a shocker. Guys like to go screw around, and women try to have a baby with them so they would be set for life. Pretty simple formula, yet very sad...

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
