Friday, September 23, 2011


Not too long ago at my job, we did an article about proper tipping etiquette which I found very interesting because I used to be a server as my college job so I have strong opinions on this subject matter. There would be times where I would miss my lunch break to finish serving a table, then when they left their tip SUCKED!!! I'm just like REALLYYY?! How about you serve yourself while I enjoy my lunch break? Like if I would've known you were going to be such a lousy tipper, I wouldn't have even wasted my time on you. There were also professors of mine which were the worst tippers too! I worked my magic by mentioning how I was in their class and what I'm learning etc, then this one professor had the nerve of paying with ZotBills and leaving no tip! Realllyyyyyyyyy?! Are you really that cheap? Like I'm sorry for bluffing you up, it was totally not worth the time.

This list compiles the 10 Best/Worst Celebrity tippers. You'd think for having so much money, they can show a little appreciation for good service that goes way beyond the average person. Some are overly giving, and some are just plain cheapskates. Check out the list below courtesy of!


10) Dan Aykroyd - At a restaurant near Syracuse, NY, a waitress says he either leaves $100 or 50% of the tab (which ever is larger of the two).

9) Barack Obama - Don't mind his silly moments, but in Raleigh Times Bar in Raleigh, NC, Mr. President paid for a $2 with a $20 and told the bartender to keep the change.

8) Bill Murray - Not only did he throw down a 120% tip on top of a $60 check, but showed the waitress how to make lemon wedges juicier.

7) Drew Barrymore - According to Ugly Better star Ana Ortiz when she was a bartender, Drew would double up the bill, tipping 100%.

6) Russell Crowe - During a vacation in South Wales at the Carew Inn in Tenby, he threw down a 600 Euro tip on top of his pint purchase.

5) Drew Carey - At Amie Morton steakhouse in L.A., he gave a $400 tip in addition to his $250 check.

4) Hulk Hogan - Not only is he extremely down to earth by posing for pics and signing autographs for everyone, but he left an $80 tip for a $120 check at a spot in South Florida.

3) Charlie Sheen - For his daughter Cassandra Jade Estevez's Sweet 16th Bash, he felt extra generous by tipping each person of the event staff $200.

2) David Beckham - At Joxer Daily's Pub with some teammates from the LA Galaxy, they racked up a $100 tab, but this man shared the wealth by adding a zero to the check making it a $900 tip.

1) Johnny Depp - Befriending a waiter at Gibson's Steakhouse in Chicago while filming Public Enemies, he left an extra $4000 tip in addition to the $4400 bill. What a hunk of a guy!!!


10) Rachael Ray - As a host of Food Network's $40 a Day, she stresses her strategy of tipping 10% on many meals! What happened to the minimum 15%?!

9) Mick Jagger - This Rolling Stone's net worth is around $225 million, but while at DC's Pizzeria Paradiso, he had a $90 bill but tipped $10 which was 11%. I guess a bill was your limit for the night...

8) Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson - According to a waitress at a steak house, he asked if he could eat there before it opened so he could avoid fans but left a $7 tip. She was so ticked off she vented, "This guy is not a 'Rock' to me, just a cheap pebble."

7) Bill Cosby - This guy has 2 stories! One waiter says he got a tab of $375 that night but left a $3 tip which equates to 0.08%. Another says he tipped the bellhop a mere 50 cents for six heavy bags. I guess the elderly like to keep their pockets tight.

6) Kirsten Dunst - She has 2 stories too! At a West Hollywood eatery where the starstruck manager comped her meal, she left no tip! Another Assistant Manager told FOX that she also received a $233 check then left "without even the smallest gratuity." I guess she just gets what she needs and bounces.

5) Madonna - Known for her stiffness with tipping, she left an $18 tip for a $400 check which equals 4.5% tip in a West London restaurant. Also at NYC hotspot Babbo, she failed to leave any tip.

4) Tiger Woods - According to a tipster in Vegas, he refused to leave any tip at all, making his companion who was a female leave the tip. The reason? He never carries cash, ever...

3) Usher - This songstress should learn a thing or do about being generous in other matters. One waiter said he waits for others to pick up the check for him, and if that doesn't happen leaves his autograph for a tip. (An Usher autograph is selling on Ebay for under $5 and no bids)

2) Britney Spears - E! Online picked up the story of Ms. Britney at Hollywood hot spot One Sunset leaving no tip for a $251 bill then threw change at the feet of the parking valet saying, "There's your tip."

1) Jeremy Piven - In 2007 he showed up with an entourage of 12 people and no reservations at a high-end sushi joint Nobu in Aspen where was seated and dined. Upon the way out, he told the manager, "Thanks for nothing." As a tip, he left a signed Entourage DVD which an enraged Nobu employee hurled at him while he left and to this day Piven has been banned from Nobu.

So there's the list of the top 10 best/worst celebrity tippers. No matter how much money theses celebs have, they can either be feeling giving or stingy, maybe even genuinely being a giver or just plain cheap. For any service industry, it's polite to tip a waiter 15% especially if they're providing good service to you. If there's a case where your service isn't that good, it's good to still give 15% because these depend on your tips to make a living since the hourly pay is nothing! Lesson learned?!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
