Wednesday, December 28, 2011


How fast Christmas has already passed! As I've become older, I have realized that it's not so much about the gifts and material goods, but more about spending quality time with loved ones. This year, I feel so blessed to have done exactly that.

With my new job, I had the opportunity to attend a few client holiday parties. Not only did I meet a few others in my field of work, but I had the chance to get to know others outside the usual work environment.

With my friends, I went to two holiday parties for two very different groups. Both of them were potluck which made everyone have a chance of becoming involved. The first holiday party was fun because of the games we played, YES GAMES, more specifically TABOO which was my first time. The other holiday party consisted of us saying grace together, catching up over good food, and partaking in a Secret Santa.

What I am most grateful for is the quality of family time I got to experience this year. As usual, there's a holiday party involving all my mom's friends who have been the most consistent family I've known throughout my life. There was a lot of laughter during the white elephant and playing games that everyone got involved with! My cousin in law whom I met for the first time this year had a birthday Christmas Eve at her house. There we also enjoyed a good round of white elephant where my parents and I plotted to get the best gifts out of the bunch. Then the day after Christmas, we visited my aunt's house and saw my cousins. Earlier this year, I happened to reconnect with them since there was a period we didn't come in contact at all.

I just want to take a moment to thank all my friends and family who have been there for me through thick and thin. Christmas season 2011 meant the most to me and I pray that this can endure forever.

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
