Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Tradition of Watching Scary Movies on Halloween

Being that Halloween is one of my favorite "unoffical" holidays of the year, I wanted to honor the tradition of watching some scary movies, dressing up, eating candy, and passing out treats to trick-o-treaters.

I feel people love the feeling of being scared because it brings some sort combination of excitement and nervousness making them oddly want more. Through those heart thumping moments where you can feel and see your heart beating so hard and your breath is held for those few moments. Then that exhilarating moment comes when you release a little scream and jump out of your seat. Being scared is not only frightening, but addictive that wants you want to keep watching, or explore unknown territories.

On Halloween, the crew decided on watching The Exorcist which I wasn't in-tuned for. Not only do I creep myself out with devil/spirit type movies, but that girl is FREAKY looking, an image I don't want to have linger in my thoughts when I'm about to go to bed that's for sure. Being that it was a majority vote, I agreed and actually got over being scared of that movie. Yes she is scary looking, but The Exorcist had a real plot that many horror films are void of. Though over two hours long which was the downside, I caught many elements I don't even remember from watching it the other times. I guess it's me being more mature and watching the movie as an actual film, not just the horror aspect.

Next movie of the night was House of 1000 Corpses, which I also didn't pick. The movie is not that good as I thought from the first time around, but you can never beat the plot of a crazy family committing gruesome murders. My top picks for scary movies are: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Evil Dead, super creepy.

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
