Saturday, May 19, 2012

SNL Goes Through Another Wave of Change

SNL has been the birthplace of so many big stars that have had beyond successful careers in the entertainment world. Tonight is the season finale of SNL with Mike Jagger hosting and Arcade Fire and Foo Fighters as the musical guests. But it is rumored that three big stars from the show will be saying farewell to SNL: Kristen Wiig, Andy Samberg, and Jason Sudeikis.

As another election season is looming, it's not as likely that all three cast mates will leave SNL. For example, Sudeikis plays Vice President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Mitt Romney. Nevertheless, these particular cast members has found success while still being a part of SNL, a feat bigger than former members who have found fame with an SNL character after they left the show (Kristen Wiig Bridesmaids, Andy Samberg That's My Boy, Jason Sudeikis Horrible Bosses). Whatever the outcome may be, I'm sure any of their decisions would be for the best. If any of them leave, what is your favorite skit they were in?

"In that way, 'Saturday Night Live' has more in common with the mafia than any other TV show: No one ever really leaves."