Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Okay I know I already mentioned that Shia LaBeouf said in an interview that him and co-star Megan Fox basically hooked up while filming the Transformers movies, and other news has been that she didn't deny the news.

But now this "confession" has now been an issue in the marriage between Megan Fox and husband Brian Austin Green. This "confession" was news to Green since they were dating at the time, but on a little break.

Sources say, "Megan's been in tears, and is apologizing to Brian - even though technically she didn't do anything wrong since they were on a break …. They are so angry at Shia."

It's a shame Shia LaBeouf find the need to have a case of diarrhea of the mouth, but since this secret is out in the open there's no turning back. We just know that Megan Fox has never thrown him under the bus in regards to their relationship, no matter how she might have bad-mouthed the other people involved with the Transformers franchise. Let's hope they work through this rough patch.

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
