Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Can you repeat what you just said?! Daniel Radcliffe has come out revealing how he struggled with a drinking problem while filming a few of the Harry Potter films. But now he can proudly say that he hasn't had a drop of alcohol since August 2010!

Daniel comments, "There were a few years there when I was just so enamoured with the idea of living some sort of famous person's lifestyle that really isn't suited to me. There's no shame in enjoying a quiet life. And that's been the realisation of the past few years for me. [I want] a career for myself after Potter … [If] it goes well, and is varied and with longevity, then that puts to bed the 'child actors' argument. I'm actually enjoying the fact that I can have a relationship with my girlfriend where I'm really pleasant and not fucked up totally all the time."

I wonder what issues he felt prompted this "drinking problem" especially while filming Harry Potter! This definitely comes as a surprise but good thing he already addressed the issue enough to quit drinking altogether. You go boy!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
