Sunday, July 31, 2011


So 2011 hasn't necessarily been the greatest year as I thought it would be, but dang am I grateful for JULY!!! Amidst the troubles of finding a job I would enjoy and personal relationships, JULY I CAME OUT ON TOP!

I let go of my personal troubles and let go, and most importantly I started doing me again!!! Fourth of July weekend marked it, spending time with family and hanging out with different people and opening myself up to the world I closed myself off to for so long. Not only did I rekindle the great relationship I've had with my parents, but I've met some great people. Who knew just opening yourself up to new relationships can be so rewarding?

The truly valuable people in your life will never judge you and want to support you through everything. They will never do anything to bring you down or see you hurt! It felt so great not worrying about certain people and what they would say about you, and be the bigger person! GROW UP!

Not only did I develop some new relationships that I know will grow in the future, but I got my first official job out of college! I know it's been a long time coming, but this really meant a lot. Writing on this blog and learning about the online world in general really helped me land this role and so far I like it a lot. Great location, great people, and I'm in LA! LA is my town and I never ever want to leave it! There are too many opportunities here, I need to be in the hustle and bustle.

So thank you JULY 2011 FOR BEING ONE OF THE GREATEST TIMES OF MY LIFE! Full of loving relationships, new friendships, supportive circles, and laughter all around. No more tears or worries, just growing up and doing me! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! IT CAN ONLY GET BETTER FROM HERE! DON'T LOSE HOPE PEOPLE, POSITIVITY COMES TO THOSE WHO SPEAK IT INTO THEIR LIVES! SI SE PUEDE!!!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
