Tuesday, July 26, 2011


YES YES YES I KNOW!!! I got another lipstick from MAC! I can't help it! I know they are very reliable in giving me bold, beautiful colors I love while also having the ability to last for long periods of time! And the lipsticks make your lips looks healthy, not gross and chalky.

So I was eyeing this color CB 96 for some time because I've always been in love with the color coral. But this shade takes it to a whole 'notha level. It's a combination of not only CORAL, but orange, pink, red, and bronze all with a glimmer to it. It doesn't look overpowering on your lips, just the right amount of color and surprise that makes you stand out. I don't know why I'm attracted to crazy color lipsticks, but I can't get enough of any lipsticks in general. If you ever thought about buying a lipstick shade of your own, I highly recommend going to MAC because you can try any shade on you want so you know what it looks like before you buy it! WHICH IS IMPORTANT FOR ANY AND EVERY LIP SHADE YOU BUY!

The great thing with MAC is that it's not expensive...only $14.50 and lasts! Check it out!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
