Thursday, June 16, 2011


So recently, Coco did an interview with Perez Hilton and the topic of Nicki Minaj's booty came up. I'm guessing it did, since Coco, "the original booty superstar" was the one who made having a big butt look good. Since she's a white woman, many claim that it has to be fake, but she states that her butt is real, and so does her husband of ten years Ice T.

During this interview, Coco claims that the word was out that Nicki Minaj confessed that her booty size isn't real but when Perez Hilton looked surprised, Coco looked a little guilty that she "spilled the beans." Check out some of the interview right here:

First of all, you can tell if someone's butt looked fake. I didn't think Nicki Minaj's was fake because she does have that black and island descent. I mean I wouldn't be surprised because it is too big for words and doesn't seem to match with her body type in general. But why would someone get butt implants or even worse butt pads [booty pop]?! We'll see if any drama ensues from this interview...DID IT ON EM.

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
