Monday, September 5, 2011


This has caused quite a controversy in the fashion press when VOGUE ITALIA wanted to coin a new fashion trend. Though many thought this might've been some sort of misinterpretation, it actually wasn't.

In Vogue Italia's "Shop the Trend" section, "Slave Earrings" were featured, describing them as an updated classic from the US slavery era.

"Jewellery has always flirted with circular shapes, especially for use in making earrings. The most classic models are the slave and creole styles in gold hoops.

If the name brings to the mind the decorative traditions of the women of colour who were brought to the southern Unites (sic) States during the slave trade, the latest interpretation is pure freedom. Colored stones, symbolic pendants and multiple spheres. And the evolution goes on."

In light of all the negative press that has been associated with this "fashion term", the name has now changed to "Ethnic Earrings". Does that mean that being ethnic equates to being African American? Or a slave even? Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Italia Franca Sozzani commented, "We apologise for the inconvenience. It is a matter of really bad traslation (sic) from Italian into English. The Italian word, which defines those kind of earrings, should instead be translated into 'ethnical style earrings'. Again, we are sorry about this mistake which we have just amended in the website."

I don't know where the inspiration came from in regards to "slave earrings, but "ethnic earrings" aren't that much better! What happened to "hoops with a tribal flair"? Or what about just "tribal earrings", I think people would kind of figure that out on it's own. To associate slaves with these earrings as the new fashion trend is rightfully wrong to be criticized publicly. Nothing should be glamorized about an era that was hard for a certain group of people, no matter where they come from and what ethnicity they share.

Fashion shouldn't find inspiration from oppressed times, instead it should find inspiration through the good moments and glamorize that. No slave earrings will never be a trend, but I'll take some of those TRIBAL INSPIRED HOOPS.

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
