Saturday, September 3, 2011


I finally saw the movie Crazy.Stupid.Love with Steve Carrell, Julianne Moore, Ryan Gosling, and Emma Stone. It was a good movie, was pretty dragged out, but had a great overall message. BEAR WITH ME BECAUSE I WILL USE THE ACTORS' REAL NAMES IN THIS SYNOPSIS. Basically, Julianne Moore cheats on her husband Steve Carrell which causes her to file for divorce. Being depressed, Steve just drinks at the bar pouring his heart out to anyone and everyone, when he notices Ryan Gosling, a so-called "man-whore" who has all this game in taking home anyone and every woman he meets. Realizing how desperate Steve Carrell is, he offers to help his game. Sooner or later Carrell gets his mojo back and ends up sleeping with a few women. But what he realizes is that being a player isn't what he wants, he wants his wife back.

The message I got out of the story was how far we'd go to fight for our soulmate. I mean I know I'm too young to exactly know who my soulmate is, but I know what I want out of life. I know I am not a player who tries to get back at someone by messing around with random guys. When I really feel for someone, I am all up for keeping that one person in my focus because I can forever be happy with that one person.

I feel so many guys and girls I may say are caught up on the physical aspect of things. Of course that's important, but a real connection is so much more stronger than that. Looks may fade, but that special chemistry doesn't. Why try to find something wrong and make a bigger deal of something, when in comparison to many other problems, it's so miniscule.

I know for a fact that anyone who has been truly in love and in a relationship for a good amount of time will not lose feelings for that person right away, no matter how hard they may try to go out and live that single life. Yes you may drown yourself in that world by hooking up or flirting or talking to a whole bunch of people, but in the long run, is it truly satisfying? How satisfying is it to come home after your "crazy" night out, and knowing that your alone and knowing for a fact that nothing will come out of what just happened. Was that moment of fun worth it?

These are things that have come to my mind while watching this movie. To all those who are still in love with someone you may have broken up with or got into some sort of break with, if you still really care about that person, stop being so proud and let them know how you feel no matter how stupid you may sound. I may be too proud to ever do that myself, but I just know what I feel and it's not going away...

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
